Ajankohtaista - Econia

Incomes Register reporting deadlines and possible penalties

Kirjoittanut kirsi | 8.9.2023

Do you remember, that all payers must submit data about payments made to the Incomes Register within 5 days of the payment date?



Payment date is the day on which the income earner can access the salary (e.g. it can be withdrawn from their account). Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays are included in the 5 calendar days following the payment date. If the 5th day is on a Saturday, Sunday or other holiday, you can report the data on the following business day.


Penalty calculation

Overdue 1–45 days: A late-filing penalty of EUR 3 per day will be levied for the first late report submitted in each calendar month, until the information has been reported to the Incomes Register. The daily late-filing penalty will be levied for a maximum of 45 days, i.e. the maximum penalty will be EUR 135.

Overdue more than 45 days: The late-filing penalty for reports submitted more than 45 days late will be EUR 135. A sum equalling 1 % of the amount of the taxable payment reported late will be added to the penalty.

If previously reported information is corrected more than 45 days after the deadline, a late-filing penalty of 1 % of the amount of the taxable payment will be levied. No late-filing penalty will be imposed, however, if the amount of the taxable payment will not increase owing to the correction.

The maximum late-filing penalty will be EUR 15,135 per calendar month. The maximum is reached if EUR 1,500,000 of a taxable payment is reported for a calendar month more than 45 days late.

When data is not reported to the Incomes Register at all, or the data is incomplete, and the payer does not correct the neglect of its own volition before the taxes and contributions are levied, as a rule, no late-filing penalty will be issued. In such cases, possible sanctions will include, for example, a tax increase or negligence penalty.

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