Job opportunities in Finland

Econia offers interesting job opportunities in for every step of your career. Temporary employment allows flexibility in different life situations and provides you with the power to determine the optimal level of challenge you want.

Econia is a desired and responsible employer. When you work under a temporary employment contract, we will pay you for any annual leave not taken and will take care of your pension contributions, as well as the other obligations of the Finnish employer. We offer diverse tasks at competitive wages that are at or above the collectively agreed wage level. We are also continuously recruiting permanent employees for our customers.

For job opportunities you may contact us by email »

EURES improves labor mobility

EURES membership enables Econia to work directly with European EURES actors and brings benefits in terms of targeting and speed of recruitment. Through this membership, effective co-operation with European educational institutions is also realized, which means that newly graduated experts can be attracted to Finland.

For Econia, membership means official and respected operating status in the employment of European employees in Finland. There are many vacancies in Finland for which it is challenging and even impossible to find workers in the Finnish market. The search for experts in certain professions on a European scale guarantees the operating conditions and growth opportunities for customers in these fields.