Quality Certification Ensures Reliable Services for Econia's Customers
We are proud to announce that we have successfully passed the latest audit for the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The audit is conducted annually by Bureau...
We are proud to announce that we have successfully passed the latest audit for the ISO 9001:2015 standard. The audit is conducted annually by Bureau...
Customer satisfaction is the foundation of everything we do. That's why we regularly collect feedback from our customers to understand where we have...
Expanding internationally offers businesses access to new markets and a diverse talent pool, but hiring abroad – especially in Finland – can be...
Remote work has become a prominent part of modern life, and Finland is no exception. For many international employees, the opportunity to work from...
Easily Expand Your Business in Finland PEO (Professional Employer Organization), EOR (Employer of Record), and GEO (Global Employment Outsourcing)...
As of 1 September 2024, amendments to the Aliens Act have been introduced stricter requirements for issuing residence permits in Finland. The purpose...
Starting in 2025, tax cards will be valid from the beginning of the year. To clarify, the tax card for 2025 will become valid on 1 January 2025....
After a long Finnish winter, summer and the summer holiday season are finally here! In Finland, July is the most popular holiday month, but the...
Administer Plc, Corporate Action, 15 January 2024 at 9:30 EET The 24,730 new shares in Administer Plc subscribed in the directed share issue...