1 min read

The Finnish and Estonian tax administrations exchanging real-time information

The Estonian Tax and Customs Board and the Finnish Tax Administration have started real-time data exchange. The exchange improves tax control, saves resources and upgrades the quality of services.


This is the world’s first automatic exchange of information between national tax administrations. Information has earlier been exchanged through manual requests. Finland has already received real-time information on tax debts from Estonia since the beginning of this year. Later both countries´ tax administrations will launch further real-time information exchanges, extending to VAT information as well as information about labor and social taxes. More services will be opened in the future.

This real-time information exchange improves the investigation of cross-border tax offenses and offers more effective cooperation. It also improves customer service as e.g. in the future an Estonian citizen who is working in Finland will not have to get a certificate about Estonian wages from the Estonian Tax and Customs Board for Finnish authorities.

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