
Accounting obligations of foreign companies

The President has confirmed an amendment to the Accounting Act (HE 221/2021, TaVM 3/2022), according to which a foreign company is required to keep...

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Safe landing to work in Finland, Econia style

Watch the live show on Tue 25th Jan at 1 p.m. Click here to TE-live stream Have you ever thought about working and living in Finland? Econia helps...

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Social security payments 2022

Employee's part: Pension Insurance Contribution: Employees, who are 17-52 years old 7,15 % Employees, who are 53-62 years old 8,65 % Employees, who...

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Additional employment conditions for long-term posting

Long-term posting means work lasting for a minimum of 12 months. In the future, long-term postings to Finland, i.e. those lasting at minimum 12...

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New instructions to passengers regarding entry to Finland

There are some new instructions issued by the Finnish border guard provide passengers with information on the changes that apply to entry to Finland...

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Econia Safe for the secured transmission of sensitive information

We have launched a new password-protected Econia Safe for the transmission of sensitive messages and personal data. We are using Econia Safe system...

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Restaurants are closed

In order to prevent the spread of coronavirus, restaurants and cafes are closed to customers and will remain closed until the end of May. Selling...

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Econia wishes You a Merry Christmas and Successful New Year 2020!

We have donated this year’s Christmas card and Christmas gift budget to Save the Children Finland’s Christmas appeal.

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Econia wishes You a Merry Christmas and Successful New Year 2020!

We have donated this year’s Christmas card and Christmas gift budget to Save the Children Finland’s Christmas appeal.

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