Laatusertifiointi varmistaa luotettavat palvelut Econian asiakkaille
Olemme ylpeitä voidessamme ilmoittaa, että olemme läpäisseet menestyksekkäästi viimeisimmän ISO 9001:2015 -standardin mukaisen auditoinnin....
1 minuutin luku
Emel Özdamar 30.1.2023
As of 1st of January 2023, a decision issued by a doctor responsible for infectious disease control will be required to qualify for infectious disease allowance. The application period for the allowance will also be shortened from 6 months to 2 months, therefore the application has to be filed within 2 months of the date from which the benefit is wanted.
During the temporary changes, the certificate needed for infectious disease allowance was able to be written by a physician responsible for infectious disease control, a nurse, a health nurse or some other doctor. From the beginning of the year, only a physician responsible for infectious disease control is able to issue the certificate required to qualify for the allowance.
You are still able to make applications for infectious disease allowance in accordance with the temporary provisions if the absence from work due to an infectious disease and the resulting loss of income begin on or before 31st of December 2022.
Olemme ylpeitä voidessamme ilmoittaa, että olemme läpäisseet menestyksekkäästi viimeisimmän ISO 9001:2015 -standardin mukaisen auditoinnin....
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